Rice Cooker Wiring :
This diagram shows how to make a Rice Cooker Wiring—an electrical Rice Cooker Wiring Diagram. We use rice cooker elements and a three-pin top plug in this circuit. Here we need to connect all components like our wiring. Now this circuit diagram is ready for use. This diagram is elementary and easy to make power supply to 220v ac line.
Diagram of rice cooker wiring system:
Materials Need for this Project:
You can get the Materials from any of the sites below:
1. Magnetic Temperature Switch
2. 3pin Plug
3. Resistance Coil
4. Heating Coil Element
Materials used to make the single-phase rice cooker:
1. Magnetic Temperature Switch
The rice cooker uses a bimetallic switch. Where the two metals expand at different rates when heated, only 100℃ triggers and releases a latch. Rice cookers make the familiar "clunk" that lets you know the rice is done.
2. 3pin Plug
A mistake many of us make is a device that receives power as a 3-phase load through a 3-pin plug. In fact, these devices use a 3-pin plug to avoid single-phase loads and electrical accidents. This type of plug has 3 pins called 'Live', 'Neutral', and 'Earthing' which are marked by letters 'L', 'N', and 'E' respectively. The 3 wires to which these 3 pins are connected are also colored differently.The earth pin is yellow or green, the live pin is red or brown, and the neutral pin is connected to black or blue wire. Among these pins, the earth pin is the longest and thickest.
3. Resistance Coil
The element of the rice cooker heating coil is the internal heating resistor at the bottom of the cooker. The resistor boils the water and the steam cooks the rice. On the outside of the pot, there is a "cook" and "keep warm" lamp, along with a cooking switch for a rice cooker. In an electric cooker, electrical energy is converted into heat energy.
4. Heating Coil Element
Rice Cooker Heating Coil Element System 800w, 1000w & 1200w. ac line 220voltage coil element. The heater generates an electric current flowing through the heater coil, which continues to transfer electrical energy to the heating coil. A coil of wire heated by the passage of electric current and used to maintain high-temperature production in various scientific operations or for industrial purposes.
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