Multiple LED Series Connection Diagram | led series vs parallel System

Multiple LED Series Connection Diagram:

This diagram shows that the current through the series components is the same but the voltages are fluctuating Generally speaking, wide-emitting diode lighting uses a series-parallel. The best way to connect a light-emitting diode is to have the same current driving information as the light-emitting diode circuit.You'll connect the 5 light-emitting diodes in series before and operate them with a constant voltage source, the same way before limiting the current with a resistor.

Diagram of Multiple LED Series Connection Wiring System:

Materials Need for this Project:

You can get the Materials from any of the sites below:

1. LED Light
2. 850 Ohm Resistor
3. 12V Battery

Materials used to make the Multiple LED Series Connection :

1. LED Light

CFLs work quite differently from normal lamps, they do so by using a different process called fluorescence instead of generating light from heat. A typical light bulb wastes 90% of energy and converts only 10% of energy into light, this is where CFLs have their biggest advantage. CFL- Curved or conical glass tube filled with argon and a small amount of mercury vapor.The inner wall of the glass is usually coated with a fluorescent material. CFL- This is done using the principle of making fluorescent light. CFL - Although originally white in color, the construction and use of CFLs has become popular by producing colored light.

2. 850 Ohm Resistor

The main function of a resistor is to block current flow or drop voltage in an electronic circuit. In a word, the function of a resistor is to prevent the flow of electricity. When we know about electronics, the first name that comes up is resistor system. It is actually a common component of electronics. This element is used in every electronic circuit.A resistor is a very familiar component to those who work with electronics. It has a special function. Resistance is usually denoted by R. Its unit is Ohm (Ω). The figure below shows some resistor symbols that are used on various circuit boards and circuit diagrams.

3. 12V Battery

A 12-volt battery is an irregular battery used in certain electronic applications. Among all types of batteries, the 12-volt battery is one that looks very different depending on its use. It is big or small, heavy or may be mild. Twelve-volt Its batteries are commonly used in RVs, boats and other automobile systems.From a technical point of view, a battery uses one or more cells to allow a chemical reaction that can create a flow of electrons in a circuit.

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